Les différents mode d'hibernation d'OSx

Par défaut, l’hibernation d’OSx est rapide car la RAM n’est pas transférée sur le disque dur, le mode 25 permet de faire cela.

  • Afficher les variables d’hibernation :
pmset -g
  • Modifier une variable :
sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 25

Definition exacte de tous les modes :

  • hibernatemode = 0 (binary 0000) by default on supported desktops. The system will not back memory up to persistent storage. The system must wake from the contents of memory; the system will lose context on power loss. This is, historically, plain old sleep.
  • hibernatemode = 3 (binary 0011) by default on supported portables. The system will store a copy of memory to persistent storage (the disk), and will power memory during sleep. The system will wake from memory, unless a power loss forces it to restore from disk image.
  • hibernatemode = 25 (binary 0001 1001) is only settable via pmset. The system will store a copy of memory to persistent storage (the disk), and will remove power to memory. The system will restore from disk image. If you want " hibernation " - slower sleeps, slower wakes, and better battery life, you should use this setting.